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Terms of Use

1.General provisions

Article1 [Purpose]

These terms and conditions govern the rights, obligations and responsibilities between members and the company, service use conditions and procedures, etc. when members use the official site of the ‘Company’ provided by J&M Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The purpose is to stipulate the basics.

Article 2 (Effectiveness and change of terms and conditions)
① These terms and conditions are effective for all members who wish to use the service within Korea. Meanwhile, if the company is able to provide services in a country through the conclusion of a contract with an overseas rights holder, etc., these terms and conditions will also be effective for all members who wish to use the service within the country.

② The contents of these terms and conditions are posted on the service screen or announced to members through other means, and become effective when members who agree to them sign up for the service. Before the member agrees, the company seeks confirmation from the member by providing a separate connection screen or pop-up screen so that the member can easily understand the terms and conditions and transact without error.

③ If the company deems it necessary, the Company may provide information related to the “Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions”, “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection”, “Content Industry Promotion Act”, “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.” These terms and conditions may be changed to the extent that they do not violate the law. If the company changes the terms and conditions, the date of application and reason for change shall be specified and announced on the service site 15 days prior to the date of application. In case of changes to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to members, The revisions will be displayed in an easy-to-understand manner for members and notified 30 days prior to the date of application, and members will be individually notified via email address, text message, etc. If individual notification is difficult due to failure to provide or change in the member's contact information, the member's registered contact information will be provided. If the notice is returned more than twice despite notification, it will be considered as individual notification by making notice in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

④ If the company does not announce the changed terms and conditions pursuant to Paragraph 3 or includes the content of applying the changed terms and conditions to members, the member may independently change the terms and conditions by announcing the content indicating agreement to the change in terms and conditions or applying it to the members. If you do not indicate this, the company will assume that the member agrees to the changed terms and conditions.

⑤ Members who indicate that they do not comply with the changed terms and conditions may terminate the contract or designate a member entity. We are changing the provisions related to the Motel Loan terms and conditions in relation to the application for termination of personal use rights.

⑥ The company will take the necessary measures to ensure that members can print these terms and conditions in full and provide a response.

⑦ In principle, these terms and conditions apply from the date the member agrees to the terms and conditions until the member exists. However, some provisions of these Terms and Conditions may exist and be valid as a member. Article 3 (Rules other than terms and conditions) Matters not related to these terms and conditions are governed by the Content Promotion Act, the Act on Domestic Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., and related advertising regulations and general success stories.

Article 4 (Definition of terms)

① The definitions of the regulations used in these terms and conditions are as follows. 1. Member: In order to use the service, all customers must access the service site and agree to these terms and conditions or follow other procedures requested by the company and use the service according to the service. 2. ID: A combination of English letters and numbers selected by the member and verified by the company for membership registration and member service use. 3. PASSWORD: A combination of letters and numbers set by the member to protect the member’s information. 4. Nickname: A special name unique to the member outside of the ID branch. 5. Operator: A lawyer for the service and a person selected by the company for smooth operation 6. Service suspension: During temporary use, the company completely and completely terminates the provision of the service for a certain period of time. 7. Text message authentication: Retrieve a random number from a text message to a mobile phone, and the customer registers the number on the site to authenticate the member.

② The definition of the regulations for the specific matters stipulated in Paragraph 1 is explained in the Relationship and Service Guide. 2. Service Use Agreement

Article 5 (Establishment of use relationship)

① These terms and conditions refer to the customer's consent button at the member registration stage to use the service and agree to it.

② The service agreement is established when the company approves the customer’s application for use in Article 6 (Application for Use) of the Terms and Conditions.

③ Since members are applying for a service use contract, they are asked to familiarize themselves with the matters announced by the company explaining the service in advance and to be able to transact without connection errors.
1. Contents of the service (hereinafter referred to as the service), price, period of use, method of use including available devices, properties of individual use rights (type of sound source file), cancellation and termination of subscription, and conditions, methods, and list thereof. and matters related to selection of corresponding services
2. (For existing services) Select a payment method for the selected user service and enter payment information required for the selected payment method. Article 6 (Application for Use) Application for service consists of recording the following information on the subscription application form: 1.Name 2.ID
3. Nickname (nickname)
4.Password (password)
5.Date of birth
6. Service access country
7.E-mail (e-mail) address
8. Other matters deemed necessary by the company

Article 7 (Approval of application for use)

① The Company accepts the customer's application for service by accurately entering the information specified in Article 6 and selecting the authentication procedure set by the Company, such as authentication by email address or logo authentication.

② The member service contract with the company grants the company's members an approved point in time (time of completion of paid services, time of procedural movement when indications such as 'purchase/payment completed' are given to members).

Article 8 (Restrictions on approval of application for use)

① In the following cases, the company may restrict subscription by approving the application or withholding approval for a certain period of time, or request maritime adjustment depending on your circumstances.

1. When services are provided through the company's business or technical employment
2. When verifying user registration details and applying, or when authentication is due to reasons attributable to the applicant, such as attaching false documents.
3. If the application is made for the purpose of disrupting or disrupting social order and morals
4. If the representative of a child under the age of 14 does not accept the consent form from the legal representative (parent, etc.)
5. If you have previously lost your membership in accordance with

Article 25 (Contract Termination and Restrictions on Use).

Exceptions are made for attorneys and those whose qualifications have been lost for more than one year for the company to approve membership re-registration.
6. If, after using the service, the service fee charged by the company is not excluded unless the member cannot handle it due to exceptions such as arbitrary payment or suspension of payment methods registered with the company, payment is possible, etc.
7. If you live in a country that is not within the company's service area, and a resident accesses the site from that country
8. In the case of criminal activity, if there is a history of expiration (withdrawal) of German membership due to interference with the company's services, such as cases where membership is repeatedly canceled and used according to the purpose during a specific contract period.
9. In cases where the application determined by the company cannot be completely satisfied.

② If an area corresponding to each item of Paragraph 1 is found after approval of the application, the Company may terminate or suspend the service use agreement in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

③ Some uses of the service may be restricted depending on the member’s qualifications or age.
1. Members under the age of 19 (however, except for January 1 of the year in which the person turns 19 years old, the same as in the main article) shall be subject to the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Protection Act. Moving is impossible.
2. To use media that sends youth, a member must be 19 years of age or older, and must obtain identity and age verification through real name authentication in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Protection Act. If you do not receive authentication, use of the service will be restricted.

Article 9 (Special rules for minor membership registration)

① “Users” under the age of 14 are requested to apply for membership and provide their personal information after fully understanding the purpose of collection and use of personal information and obtaining consent from parents or other legal representatives.

② The company cancels or disallows membership for anyone other than 14 years of age who has not gone through the confirmation process for consent from a parent or other legal representative.

③ In cases where a parent or other legal representative of a “user” other than 14 years of age may request to view, correct, or mate personal information about the child or withdraw consent to membership, in such case, the “Company” will provide the necessary information without delay. do. I need to get you. Article 10 (Contract changes) If a member changes the information provided when applying for use, he or she must correct any inconvenient details in the form and method using a separate method determined by the company. 3. Use of services Article 11 (Using the Service)

① The company provides services from the time a member applies for membership. For some services, you will receive the service from a designated date, and for affiliated services, you can use the service after payment is completed through a method hosted by the company.

② If the service cannot be provided due to a business or technical failure of the company, it will be announced on the site or belong to the member.

Article 12 (Service usage time)

① The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The company's business or technical services, such as jungle inspection, may be temporarily suspended, and services may be suspended during periods determined by the company for operational purposes. In principle, in the case of temporary suspension of the service and the period of suspension, the company will immediately notify the name of the service that has been announced in advance, in cases of urgency or special exceptions that cannot be disclosed.

② If the company divides the service into certain ranges and can determine the time when each range can be usefully used, the company will announce the relevant details.

Article 13 (Change and suspension of service)

① If there are various relationships, the company may provide services according to operational and technical needs. In this case, the contents of the service and the date of provision are provided to members as stipulated in Paragraph 3 of Article 2 (Consumers and Changes to Terms and Conditions). Here's how. If the changed content is current or the same as that of the member, the company does not agree to the member's affiliation in a certain way in these Terms and Conditions or the Melon Member Service Terms and Conditions.

② The company may host or restrict all or part of the service in the following cases. 1. In case of unavoidable circumstances such as antifreeze for service, etc. 2. A member intentionally interferes with the company’s regular service provision activities, such as signing up for and maintaining a specific service within a certain period of time. 3. If there is difficulty in using the service due to power outage, lighting failure, or excessive usage, etc. 4. When the service cannot be excluded through the company's various measures, such as termination of the service provider contract. 5. Other possible events beyond the company's control, such as service interruption for reasons such as freak disasters, national emergencies, mistreatment laws by state agencies, government organizations, investigative agencies, etc., such as the Korea Communications Commission and the Korea Information Security Agency. There are cases

③ In the case of service interruption pursuant to Paragraph 2, the Company reserves the right to all members in the manner prescribed in Paragraph 3 of Article 2 (Customers and Changes to Terms and Conditions). If you have sentimental, important or urgent or quiet artifacts to collect, you may be in Russia.

④ The Company may modify, discontinue, or protect part or all of the services provided free of charge as necessary for the protection and operation of the Company, and will not provide separate compensation to members.

Article 14 (Member's rights and responsibilities regarding email)

① The company may provide email services to member sites. The company does not edit or display the contents of members' emails, and each member is responsible for the contents of their emails.

② Members may not send pornographic material, disturbing content, junk mail, spam mail, chain letters, etc. through the company's e-mail address, recommend pyramid schemes, etc., or cause harm to others or send undesirable messages. You must not send emails that violate public morals.

③ All responsibility arising from violation of Paragraph 2 of this Article lies with the member, and in this case, the company may provide the member's personal information, such as the member's ID and password, to investigative agencies in accordance with the procedures stipulated in relevant laws and regulations. there is.

Article 15 (Provision of information and posting of advertisements)

① In operating the service, the company may post various information or advertisements on the service screen or provide them to members through methods such as email, letter mail, text message, or KakaoTalk channel message.

② In relation to Paragraph 1, members may refuse to receive emails, etc. at any time, except for transaction-related information and responses to customer inquiries, etc. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the Company specifies how to refuse reception. However, when the company transmits advertisements, etc., other than transaction-related information and customer inquiries that are exempt from the obligation to consent in accordance with relevant laws, to members via telephone, facsimile transmission, etc., it transmits them after obtaining the member's prior consent to receive them.

③ Communication or transactions, such as when a member uses an advertisement posted on the service or participates in the advertiser's promotional activities through the service, is entirely a matter between the member and the advertiser. If a problem arises between a member and an advertiser, the member and the advertiser must resolve it directly, and the company does not take any responsibility in this regard.

Article 16 (Deletion of posts or contents)

① If the Company determines that content within the service posted or transmitted by a member (including transmission between members) falls under any of the following cases, the Company may delete it without prior notice, and the Company shall not be held liable for this.

1. If the content defames the company, other members, or third parties or damages their reputation through slander.
2. In case of dissemination of information, sentences, figures, etc. that violate public order and morals.
3. If the content is recognized as being linked to criminal activity
4. If the content infringes upon the company's copyright, a third party's copyright, or other rights.
5. In case the posting period specified by the company in accordance with the detailed usage guidelines in Paragraph 2 is exceeded
6. If the content is unrelated to the services provided by the company
7. When posting unauthorized advertisements or promotional materials
8. If it is judged to be in violation of other relevant laws and company guidelines, etc.

② The company may separately establish and implement detailed usage guidelines related to postings, and members must register or delete various postings (including those transmitted between members) in accordance with those guidelines.

Article 17 (Copyright of posts)

① The copyright of posts posted by members within the service (including those transmitted between members) is owned by the member, and the company has the right to post them within the service.

② The company cannot use the posting for any other purpose without the consent of the member who posted it.

③ The Company does not bear civil or criminal liability even if a member's posting within the service infringes on another person's copyright, program copyright, etc. If the company receives an objection, such as a claim for damages, from another person on the grounds that the member has infringed on another person's copyright, program copyright, etc., the member must make efforts to indemnify the company, and if the company fails to indemnify the company, the member must indemnify the company for doing so. You must bear all damages incurred.

④ If a member terminates the service agreement or the service agreement is terminated for a legitimate reason, the company may delete posts posted by the member. If a member's posting contains content that violates relevant laws, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Copyright Act, the rights holder may request the company to suspend or delete the posting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant laws and regulations. You may request it, and the company must take action in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

⑤ Even if there is no request from the rights holder in the preceding paragraph, the Company may temporarily block access to or delete the relevant posting in accordance with relevant laws and regulations if it is deemed to be infringing on the rights of others, such as invasion of privacy or defamation.

⑥ Copyright and other rights to works and other content created by the Company belong to the Company.

⑦ Members may not use materials posted on the service for commercial purposes, including processing or selling information obtained through the service, or allow third parties to use them, and copyright infringement on posts is subject to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 19 (Obligations of the Company)

① The company does not disclose or distribute member personal information known in connection with service provision to a third party without the member's consent. However, this does not apply in cases pursuant to the provisions of the law, such as when a request is made from a relevant agency for the purpose of an investigation under relevant laws or when there is a request by the Korea Communications Standards Commission.

② In connection with its work, the Company may create and use statistical data on the personal information of all or part of its members without the member's prior consent, and may transmit cookies to the member's computer for this purpose. In this case, the member can refuse to receive cookies or change the settings of the computer browser used to warn about the receipt of cookies. It is the member's responsibility to change the use of the service due to changes in the cookie settings.

③ When a member's complaint related to the service is received, the company must promptly process it. If prompt processing is difficult, the reason and processing schedule will be posted on the service screen or notified to the member via email, etc.

④ The Company compensates for damages suffered by members due to violation of the Company’s obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

⑤ The company complies with laws and regulations related to the operation and maintenance of services, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Communications Secrets Protection Act.

Article 20 (Member’s Obligations)

① Members must not engage in any of the following acts when using the service.

1. Entering false information when applying for use or making changes, or stealing or using another member's ID and password illegally.
2. Reproducing, distributing, or commercially using information obtained using the company’s service information without the company’s prior consent.
3. Acts of using sound sources provided through downloading or streaming within the service for personal purposes, such as playing them in public places, for-profit business places, stores, etc.
4. Actions that damage or disadvantage others’ reputation
5. Posting pornographic material on bulletin boards, etc. or linking to pornographic sites
6. Acts that infringe upon the company's copyright, third party's copyright, and other rights. (This is an act that infringes upon the copyrights of third parties at home and abroad. Despite the fact that the company has taken measures to prevent infringement on the rights of others through technical measures such as blocking IP access, the user intentionally or through means and methods to deceive the company may use the Melon site. This includes acts that infringe on the copyrights of third parties, such as accessing .)
7. Distributing to others information, sentences, shapes, sounds, etc. that violate public order and morals.
8. Acts of registering or distributing computer virus-infected materials that cause malfunction of equipment related to the service or destruction or confusion of information, etc.
9. Intentionally interfering with the operation of the service, transmitting information that may interfere with the stable operation of the service, advertising information against the recipient's express intention to refuse reception, or transmitting (illegal) spam.
10. Disguising yourself as someone else and falsely stating your relationship with another person.
11. Collecting, storing and disclosing personal information of other members
12. Distributing false information for the purpose of providing property benefit to oneself or others or causing damage to others.
13. Gambling or gambling with money
14. The act of arranging prostitution or distributing information that mediates fornication.
15. An act of interfering with the other person's daily life by continuously sending words, sounds, texts, images, or images that cause shame, disgust, or fear to the other person.
16. Changing information posted on the service
17.Transmitting or posting information (including computer programs) whose transmission or posting is prohibited by relevant laws and regulations
18. Posting or sending emails by impersonating or impersonating a company employee or operator, or by using someone else's name.
19. Posting or emailing materials containing software viruses or other computer codes, files, or programs designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
20. Harassing other members, such as stalking
21. Unfairly abusing the company's services, such as repeating the act of registering as a member, purchasing a service, and then canceling the service more than once within 1 month.
22. Unfair use of the service, such as artificially increasing the number of plays or repeating them using automated programs such as macros, bots, scripts, or any other means, as well as instructing, abetting, or supporting such acts.
23. Providing or promising to provide financial or any other compensation to others in exchange for using services such as streaming or downloading music, and receiving or promising to receive such compensation from others.
24.Other illegal or unfair acts

② When using paid services provided by the company, members must comply with the relevant laws, applicable terms and conditions, detailed usage guidelines, service usage guides and precautions announced on the site, matters notified by the company to members in relation to service use, etc. You must comply with the relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the usage guide and precautions announced on the service, and matters notified by the Company, and must not engage in any other actions that interfere with the Company's business.

③ Except in cases officially recognized by the company, members may not use the service to sell paid services or engage in other commercial activities. Additionally, members may not engage in hacking, advertising, promotion of pornographic sites or other commercial activities, or illegal distribution of commercial software. Unable to. The company is not responsible for any consequences resulting from violation of this, and members must compensate the company for any damages caused by such actions. Additionally, if the company discovers the above facts, it may take legal action, such as reporting such facts to an administrative agency or filing a complaint with an investigative agency.

④ When a member registers personal information to use the service, he or she must provide complete information that matches the current facts (hereinafter, in this Article, such registered information is referred to as ‘registration information’).

⑤ If there are any changes to registration information, members must immediately update it. If the registration information provided by the member or the updated registration information is inaccurate, or if the member commits any other act specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the Company may terminate the service use agreement or suspend the member's use of the service pursuant to
Article 25 of these Terms and Conditions. You can limit or stop it.

Article 21 (Obligations and responsibilities for member ID and password management)

① The company may charge a usage fee when applying for some services within the site, so members must thoroughly manage their member ID and password.

② The member is responsible for all consequences arising from negligence in managing the member ID and password, and the company is responsible for any problems that arise due to reasons attributable to the company, such as system failure. .

③ Members must not allow third parties to use their ID and password, and if they become aware that their ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party. You must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions, if any.

④ In the case of paragraph 3, the company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member not notifying the fact of the theft of ID, etc., or not following the company's instructions even if notified.

⑤ A member’s ID cannot be changed without the company’s prior consent.

Article 22 (Notification to members)

① When notifying a member, the company may use the email address issued by the company, the email address registered by the member, or a text message.

② If individual notification is difficult due to the member's failure to enter or change the contact information, or if the notification is returned more than twice despite notification to the member's registered contact information, the company may substitute individual notification by posting it on the service bulletin board for more than 7 days.

Article 23 (Protection of users’ personal information)

The company strives to protect members' personal information, including member registration information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Protection of members' personal information is governed by relevant laws and regulations and the "Personal Information Processing Policy" established by the company. In particular, when the company obtains the member's prior consent in accordance with relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the company provides the member's personal information to a third party within the scope of consent, and the company's 'personal information' The procedures and methods should be described in detail in the ‘Stitch Handling Policy’. The ‘Privacy Policy’ posted and announced by the company through the service website constitutes a part of these Terms and Conditions, and members agree to it.

Article 24 (Collection, provision and entrustment of handling of personal information)

In principle, the company performs tasks such as handling and management of collected personal information (hereinafter referred to as “tasks”) on its own, but if necessary, part or all of the work may be entrusted to a third party selected by the company, and may provide personal information. When tasks such as handling and management of personal information are entrusted to a third party, etc., all matters are stated in the “Personal Information Processing Policy” established by the company, and members are notified and informed. 5. Contract termination and use restrictions

Article 25 (Contract termination and use restrictions)

① If a member wishes to terminate the service use agreement, he or she must apply for termination to the company on the service site or by phone or other methods provided by the company. If a member terminates the contract, all personal information and data of the member will be deleted immediately upon termination, except in cases where the company retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and the company's personal information handling policy, so please check in advance when canceling or withdrawing. The company is not responsible if the member does not take appropriate measures, such as preserving personal data, despite the company's instructions to delete such data.

② If the member fails to fulfill the member's obligations stipulated in Article 20 (Member's Obligations) or if the Company discovers after the fact that there is a reason to restrict membership in Article 8 (Restrictions on Approval of Application for Use), the Company will restrict the member's use of the service. Actions such as restrictions, loss of membership, and contract termination may be taken. If the company wishes to take such action against a member, an opportunity to explain will be given within a period of at least 15 days, and the user will be given the opportunity to explain his/her intention. , if it is proven that there was no negligence, the company will extend the period of use by the amount of time the service was suspended.

③ The company may restrict the use of the service according to the member's qualifications even after the member has entered into a service agreement and been given an ID and password.

④ The company may notify members who have not used the service for 6 months after signing up, asking for their intention to use the service, and terminate the service agreement if there is no response within the deadline set by the company. In addition, in the case of members who have no history of service use during the period stipulated by law, the company destroys or stores personal information separately after giving prior notice to the member's registered email address. If there is no continued use or access to the service thereafter, personal information or transaction records Depending on the elapse of the storage period, the service agreement may be terminated without further notice.

⑤ Members may file an objection against the company’s actions under Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article in accordance with the procedures established by the company.

⑥ If the Company determines that the objection under Paragraph 5 of this Article is justified, the Company will immediately resume use of the service.

Article 26 (Prohibition of transfer)

Members cannot transfer or gift the right to use the service or other contractual status to others, and all rights and responsibilities, including copyright, for posts belong to the member who posted them. 6. Compensation for damages, etc. Article 27 (Compensation for Damages)

① If damage occurs to a member due to the company's intention or gross negligence, the company will only compensate the member for the actual damage.

② If the company receives various objections, including claims for damages or lawsuits, from a third party other than the member due to an illegal act or violation of these terms and conditions committed by a member while using the service, the member shall bear the responsibility and expense at his or her own expense. The company must be indemnified, and if the company fails to indemnify the member, the member must compensate for all damages caused to the company.

Article 28 (Disclaimer)

① If the company is unable to provide services due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the company is exempt from liability for service provision.

② The company is not responsible for any disruption in the use of the service due to reasons attributable to members.

③ The Company is not responsible for any loss of profits expected by members by using the service, nor is it responsible for any damage caused by data obtained through the service. The company is not responsible for the reliability and accuracy of information, data, and facts posted by members on the site.

④ The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes that arise between members or between members and third parties through the service, and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.

Article 29 (Jurisdiction)

① If a dispute arises between the company and the member in connection with the use of the service, the company and the member will negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute, and if agreement is not reached, the dispute may be filed with the Content Dispute Mediation Committee under the Content Industry Promotion Act.

② If the dispute is not resolved even after consultation in Paragraph 1 of this Article, both parties may file a lawsuit, and the jurisdiction of the lawsuit between the company and the member is determined by the user's address at the time of filing the lawsuit. If there is no address, the district court that has jurisdiction over the residence. It is under the exclusive jurisdiction of .

③ If the member's address or residence is unclear at the time of filing, the competent court will be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

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