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Store music service partnership, and
offline stores by brand Concentrated transmission of sound source

​It's not just distribution

through continuous monitoring Valuable content from our partners

To get more exposure and higher sales Do your best, constantly We manage.

We Are Global Music Distributor

 J&M presents a new vision for music distribution

Simultaneous release on music platforms worldwide with one-time registration

Honest distribution commissions and transparent settlement

attentive and quick response

Owning its own internet newspaper, developing its own indie music service

Register YouTube Content ID

All distribution contents Marketing in connection with company SNS

Maximize marketing effectiveness through influential media and influencers


전세계 음원유통은 필수


유통 시 발생하는 과장된 수수료 구조를 깨고

권리자의 수익 극대화를 위해 최선을 다합니다.



컨텐츠의 홍보를 극대화하는 채널

​제이앤엠의 브랜드 채널은 홍보가 필요한 아티스트들을 위한
언제나 열려있는 채널입니다.
여러분들의 음악을 맡겨주세요

제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png
J&M Entertainment

인스타 (32만)
  • Instagram
제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png
J&M Entertainment

네이버 블로그 (1.1천)
  • Blogger
제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png
J&M Entertainment

유튜브 (3.8만)
  • Youtube
제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png
J&M Entertainment

틱톡 (1.4만)
  • TikTok
제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png
J&M Entertainment

트위터 (1.5천)
  • X
Wow Music
유튜브 (5.1천)
  • Youtube
제목을 입력해주세요_-001.png
Music Trot
  • Youtube
제목을 입력해주세요_-001 (3).png
Mellow Story​
  • Youtube
제목을 입력해주세요_-001 (2).png
제이앤엠 엔터 화이트 로고.png

Breaking away from the existing structure of other companies that only distributed sound sources, we are expanding through systematic SNS promotion, store music service partnerships, and distribution of influential media articles. Implement and manage diversified content marketing.


Worldwide distribution

Honest fee settlement

influencer marketing effectiveness

YouTube CID registration

SNS release music registration

All songs distributed by the company do not incur release costs, are promoted on the company's social media channels for free, and broadcast reviews are conducted together.

Worldwide Music Distribution

J&M is doing its best to provide services without omissions on as many platforms as possible.

​USA, Sweden, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, Korea, etc. With one registration,

we will simultaneously release the music platform worldwide on the desired date.

랩탑 및 헤드폰

Support for intensive transmission of music to domestic and overseas offline stores

제이앤엠 엔터 로고.png

Burial Music


Music distribution and supply

Supply to offline stores at home and abroad

Music promotion and additional revenue creation

By collaborating with affiliates of store music service, we intensively transmit music to numerous offline stores at home and abroad. It creates an imprint effect of artists and contents and generates additional revenue.

YouTube Content ID, Insta, TikTok Reels, Influencer

유튜브 뮤직  로고 블랙.png

Use music on YouTube by registering YouTube content ID revenue activation

틱톡 원본 로고.png
인스타그램 원본 로고 블랙_edited.png

Instagram, TikTok releases by registering Activation of revenue from using music within the platform


Connect with influential influencers ​Maximizing distribution contents marketing effect

Combining the company's SNS channel marketing with the registration of music channels on SNS channels maximizes the creation of additional revenue and promotional effects of content.

Maintain continuous communication with partners

Regular communication

J&M continues to content monitoring department related information to partners share regularly

Immediate delivery

Content-related rights disputes or issues related to this when it occurs ​Share content instantly

accurate settlement

Through accurate monthly analysis ​Transparent settlement of adjacent rights fees

J&M prioritizes maintaining continuous communication and contact with partners.

묻은 모양

Monitoring access fee settlement at a glance


J&M systematically provides settlement data that occurs on the platform so that you can see it at a glance.​

Accurate adjacency fee settlement for each platform on a monthly basis

Streaming and download count comparison statistics by platform

Please contact us through the distribution application form below.

The person in charge will review and contact you about availability.


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